Higher Profits, Lower carbon emissions, No investment required

Fully financed Solar projects to reach your goals


Exceptional Investors

Our investors are looking beyond financial returns. Economic Development and carbon reductions are their priorities. This means a lower cost of finance for your project.

Our investors: Norfund and Climate Investor 1 (fund manager for USAID, the Netherland Government, and the European Commission)

Highest Standards

We take our duty to minimize risks very seriously and go beyond safety legal requirements.

Every project we develop includes a zero-degree walkway with lifeline, handrails and skylight protection.

We ensure safe and efficient operations of the solar rooftop with remote monitoring, quarterly visits, and annual thermal audits.

Favorable and transparent leasing terms

We strive to offer the best possible terms to our clients. This includes:

  • Fair early termination fees
  • Dedicated insurance policy for each project, in the name of our clients
  • Reimbursement of PLN’s capacity cost
  • Compensation for low Net Metering Credits
  • Possibility to include roof reinforcement/refurbishment into the Lease

Meet our Team

Hendra Putra Siagian
Hendra Putra Siagian
Development Manager - Sumatera

15 years of experience in Real Estate and Financial Services. Expert in commercial Real Estate, Credit Analysis, property and business valuation.

When not working, I enjoy playing soccer, watching action movies, listening to music and taking walks.

15 tahun pengalaman di bidang Real Estat dan Layanan Keuangan. Ahli dalam Real Estat komersial, Analisis Kredit, penilaian properti dan bisnis.

Ketika tidak sedang bekerja, saya menikmati Permainan Sepak Bola, Menonton Film Action, Mendengarkan Musik dan Jalan Santai.

Igor Leroux
Igor Leroux
Head of Sales

17 years of experience in energy and renewables with global companies and startups. I lived in France, Italia, Russia, the USA, Singapore and now Bali.

Aside from deploying renewable energy, I enjoy reading non-fiction, family time, outdoor activities, and video games.

17 tahun pengalaman di bidang energi dan energi terbarukan dengan perusahaan global dan startup. Saya tinggal di Prancis, Italia, Rusia, Amerika Serikat, Singapura dan sekarang Bali.

Selain menyebarkan energi terbarukan, saya menikmati membaca non-fiksi, waktu keluarga, kegiatan di luar ruangan, dan video game.


Jaka Agung Dirgantara
Jaka Agung Dirgantara
Development Executive - Java

20 years of professional experience spanning across Finance, land acquisition, EPC procurement and grid expansion and IT Infrastructure. Expert in engagement with authorities (Government, TNI, POLRI ), social organizations, and other institutions.

Aside from work I used to spare my time for hiking, adventuring and watching live music.

20 tahun pengalaman profesional yang mencakup keuangan, pembebasan lahan, pengadaan EPC dan perluasan jaringan ketenagalistrikan dan Infrastruktur TI. Berpengalaman dalam negosiasi dan berhubungan dengan pihak-pihak otoritas (Pemerintah, TNI dan Lembaga POLRI), Organisasi-organisasi social, dan otoritas lain

Disamping Waktu kerja saya biasanya meluangkan Waktu untuk lintas alam, berpetualang dan menonton konser music.

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